Smart Logistics

  • Smart Logistics
  • · Parcels Recognition and Sorting
    · Palletizing and Depalletizing
    · Dimension Measurement
  • Explore more

Visual Guidance

  • Visual Guidance
  • · Visual Control for Delta Robot
    · Electric Fence
    · Smart Agriculture
  • Explore more


  • AGV
  • · Collision Avoidance
    · Pallet recognition
    · Agriculture AGV
    · Inspection AGV
  • Explore more

Gesture Perception

  • Gesture Perception
  • · People Counting
    · Falling Detection
    · Interactive Gaming
    · Body Scanning
  • Explore more



  • Vzense DS86\87 ToF Camera Specification ver1.0
  • 2024.06.05
  • pdf
  • 1.41MB
  • [Product Doc] DS Series Product Intro_EN
  • 2023.01.11
  • pdf
  • 2.91MB
  • [Product Doc] DS86 2D Drawing
  • 2023.07.22
  • pdf
  • 665.29KB
  • [Product Doc] DS86 3D .stp File
  • 2023.03.07
  • 7z
  • 613.12KB
  • [Test Report] DS86/87 FCC Certificate
  • 2023.08.08
  • pdf
  • 326.41KB
  • [Test Report] DS86/87 CE Certificate
  • 2023.08.08
  • pdf
  • 227.52KB
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